Таможенные правила ETOE : GBLONU Oddisey ltd
Dear Customers,
Due to the increase in volumes, it is possible that the control at customs points will be strengthen, therefore, we ask you not to violate the rules for submitting data in customs documents, and to carefully read the list of goods prohibited for shipment:
- Description of package content should be as accurate as possible. In case of failure to provide data, the customs authorities have the right to return the parcel back to the sender.
- The value of package content must be indicated according to the nature of the package content (HS code) or invoice. The indication of an incorrect customs value of goods creates the preconditions for disruption of the terms and conditions of delivery, as well as for reputational losses.
- It is not allowed to send prohibited goods (list in the attachment)
- Some food products are prohibited due to sanctions – meat, cheese and fish products
- The receiver of the parcel must be an individual and the parcel should only be used for personal consumption (no more than 5 units of one product in the parcel)
The list of prohibited goods by customs for import to the territory of the Russian Federation:
- Print and audio-visual materials: calls for extremist and terrorist activities or public justification of terrorism; pornographic character; Made or disseminated in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the countries of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community on elections and referendums; Aimed at promoting Nazi paraphernalia or symbolism, or attributes or symbolism similar to Nazi attributes or symbolism to a degree of confusion; Containing other information that may cause harm to the political or economic interests of the Russian Federation, its state security, health and morals of citizens;
- Any types of weapons (their parts), cartridges to them (their parts), structurally similar to the civil and service weapons of the product;
- Hazardous waste;
- Special technical means intended for secret receiving information;
- Poisonous substances that are not precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
- Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, including medicinal products;
- Organs and (or) human tissues, blood and its components;
- Plants in any kind and condition, seeds of plants;
- Live animals, with the exception of bees, leeches, silkworms;
- Ozone-depleting substances;
- Plant protection products covered by annexes A and B of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants of 22 May 2001;
- Instruments of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources:
- Ready-made fishing nets, produced by machine or manual method from synthetic nylon or other polyamide monofilaments with a diameter of threads less than 0.5 mm and sizes of a mesh less than 100 mm (size of a constructive step of a mesh less than 50 mm);
- Ready-made fishing nets, produced by machine or manual method from other synthetic monofilaments with a diameter of threads less than 0.5 mm and sizes of a mesh less than 100 mm (size of a constructive step of a mesh less than 50 mm);
- Electro-fishing systems and devices consisting of electric signal generators, with connected conductors and accumulator (battery), jointly performing the function of extraction (catching) of aquatic biological resources by means of electric Current);
- Alcoholic products, ethyl alcohol, beer;
- Any kinds of tobacco products and smoking mixtures;
- Radioactive materials;
- Cultural values;
- Goods subjected to rapid damage;
- Gems in any kind and condition, natural diamonds, except jewellery.