To track a parcel, you will need the tracking number provided by the shipping carrier. Once you have the tracking number, follow these steps:
Go to the website...
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Уважаемые Клиенты,
Принятое Советом Евразийской экономической комиссии (ЕЭК) решение о продлении действия повышенного до 1 тыс. евро порога, для беспошлинного ввоза в Евразийский...
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how to pack parcel properly
Packing a parcel properly is important to...
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To send a parcel abroad, you will need to follow these steps:
Determine the shipping destination: Identify the country you want to send the parcel to and make...
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5*****. Very pleased. Site is simple to navigate. Exelent online support if you have any queries. Quick and safely delivered to the door (EMC service used). Cannot fault. Highly recommended....
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Olga just left a new 5-star review of ukayexpress.com :
Huge thank you to all involved in delivery. You have got a fantastic team there! It is amazing that in such a difficult time you...
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Aleksands Borodulins left a new review...
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Anna left a new review
Hi Jelena...
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Pilestraede 58, 5th Floor, 1112 Copenhagen K Company no.: 30276582 Alasana Dumbuya left a new review Hi Jelena , Alasana Dumbuya just left...
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Уважаемые Клиенты,
На заседании Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии 23 сентября принято решение продлить действие порога беспошлинного ввоза товаров для физических лиц в 1000 евро до 1...
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